How to Shop?

Shopping on vintagebiribiri is easy and fun, just follow the steps below:

Step 1. Pick a category. You can browse according to product type (New, Vintage or Preloved) or you can even refine your search by size, color or price range.

Step 2. Click on the desired item. Find out more on the item you like by clicking on it. 
!Important: if you are using Internet Explorer, kindly click on the item name to enter its product page!

Step 3. Order the item.  On the item's product page, click on this button when you confirm you wish to purchase the item.

Step 4. Wait for our order confirmation and make payment. Once you've paid, drop us an email and we will arrange to ship your item.

Step 5. Get ready to receive your new purchase.

That's it! Now close this window and start shopping :)
 ..or check out the help links below: